Sunday, 3 July 2011

Yay! A new find...

I bought this art-deco looking sideboard from ebay for $10.  TEN buckaroonies!  When we went to pick it up, it was sitting giant warehouse and were told it had been there gathering dust for 10 years.

I tell you, this place was like thrifty heaven.  Rows and rows of old furniture, lumped on top of each other.  Yes, lumped, I tell you!  ;)  Oh my!  The things....  Old hutches, bookcases, a preserving kit, lamps, cabinets, mattresses, seats, sofas, mirrors.... eeeeek!

If I had a bigger car I have a feeling we would've left with more than the sideboard!

The ideas are flowing...

Painty, mouldy, dusty...

... rotting, rusting hardware...

... green carpet?!

It's just dying for some TLC.

A long project started and I already can't wait to see how it scrubs up!

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