I think I literally gasped aloud when I saw three gigantic canvases in front of someone's house. One was so much taller than me that I couldn't physically move it down the street, but the other two I tripped and teetered my way back with...
I was going to make art!
But then I noticed that the uhh... "canvas" part wasn't really canvas, it was a gauze-like fabric that of course paint seeps through and, well... this was not going to work!
So, I made fabric canvases instead. Super easy to do, only takes about an hour and - ta da! - instant wall art!

Once you have a frame...
... Line up your print so that it's straight otherwise it looks a bit wonky once you hang it even though it's not (I didn't pay enough attention to that with the first one as you can see...)
Then I used tape to hold it in place...
... Hot glued all the way down the back, keeping the fabric taut... (you go through a LOT of hot glue on a canvas this size!)

You can tack in some nails for reinforcement on the corners and sides or if you have a staple gun just skip the glue and use a bunch of staples!
Then add a string to the back for hanging using screws....